terça-feira, 9 de abril de 2013

[ REC ] - Movie

This is a complicated review. Part of what made this movie so absurdly phenomenal in my concept is just the fact that I did not expect or know anything about it. So delfonauta expensive, take my advice. Stop reading this review now and take my word: if you like horror movies, go to the movies now. So why should not he stay in theaters long and thus guarantees you total surprise. Then you come back here, read the review and discuss the work with us in the comments. Now if you wishes to learn more before giving its rich buck for the film closest to your home, keep reading, but be warned that, as much as I avoid spoilers, the simple synopsis already spoil some surprises.When I received the invitation of the cab, deduced by name and poster that this was another one of those long eastern generic horror that infest our screens since the remake of The Ring. It was with this idea that I went to the movies, because I admit not even have had the curiosity to open the pressbook, where he would see that in fact it is something coming from Spain.At the beginning of the movie, we met a really beautiful journalist (Manuela Velasco) who is doing a story on the fire department. So she and her cameraman, Pablo, accompanying anti-fire in a simple rescue mission. The image is always that line Cloverfield / Blair Witch. That is, a tape was found and we are watching it. So Pablo, try to shoot straight and with a steady hand. =)The absence of any trace supernatural at the beginning made me deduce that acompanharíamos behind the scenes of a fire or something. But I was wrong. Very wrong. Once there, they invade the apartment where the alleged victim, an elderly woman, is trapped. Seconds later, the old lady grabs a cop and a bite splint cabulosa it. Right now, me and everyone reading this review delfonautas tuned rise and the only deduction can exclaim: "Hell, yeah, bitch! Zombies.  "You got it, buddy. To my surprise, and I think its also for [REC] is a zombie movie! I say more: it is the best zombie movie since Land of the Dead. And has some of the most exciting and frightening scenes of recent years, including the best and most unexpected scene bite of history (and I'm not talking about the first mentioned up there, although it also has really surprised me). If you want to know what it is, think of the word "lap". I'm sure you will draw what I mean when the watch. A cool thing is that, unlike Blair Witch and Cloverfield, the cameraman Pablo does not appear. At most, we only see his foot, if the camera is on the ground. I believe that would be even better and more innovative if, instead of the camera, we saw everything in first person, through his vision. In fact, it is almost, but have a few hours where it will drop your camcorder. And, if it was in first person, the picture does not tremble so. Which brings us to the next paragraph. This movie has only two flaws. The first is that Pablo has Parkinson's. The camera shakes so much that it comes to headaches and, in a few hours, I stopped looking at the screen to recover. The second is the obvious and sudden end, exactly as expected and very much like Blair Witch and Cloverfield.

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